AURIC 지식정보
통계분석, 네트워크분석, 이용현황분석을 통한
새로운 분석정보를 한 눈에 제공하는 서비스 입니다.

※ 최근 3년간 인기 연구주제어
  • 공간구성


    composition of space, Spatial Structure, Space Composition, spacial configuration, 공간구조, 대공간구조, Space Structure, 대공간구조물, Large spatial structure, 공간구조물, 가로체계, Spatial Composition, Space Distribution, Spatial Structures, Large Spacial Structure, Street Pattern, 평면구성요소, Composition, 공간구조. 아사(衙舍), Grid Plan, Street System, Space Arrangement, Space Constitution, Spacel Composition, Biomophic, 구성, Space formation, 공간구성논리, 대공간 구조 시스템, Spatial Arrangement, 공간 배치, 가로시스템, 공간구성방법, Spatial-Formation, Spatial Compositional, Configuration of Space, Spacial Planning, Arrangement of space, Spacial Organization, Space According, Spatial Compositon, 전시공간구조, 입면 구성, 실 구성, Spatial Construction, 공간체계, spatial component, The configuration of exhibition space, Plan Composition Elements, 공간의 혼합, 공간 구조, 구성 공간, Organization of Space, Space-composition, Construction of Space, 가로 체계, Space organizing, Interior Space Composition, 설계유형, Exhibit Space Structure, Structure of Urban Space, Space Configulation, Space Layout

  • 리모델링


    Remodeling, 개보수, Aged housing remodeling, Building retrofit, 대규모수선공사, 개수, Reformation and Repair, 수직 증축 개보수?리모델링, 구조변경, Re-modeling

  • 공간


    space, 공간 분류, Spaces

  • 철근 콘크리트 보강


    Reinforced concrete, 철근콘크리트, 철근 콘크리트, 철근콘크리트구조, RC, reinforcement concrete, Reinforce concrete, reinfored concrete

  • BIM


    빔, 빌딩 인포메이션 모델링, 건축물정보모델, 건축정보모델, Building Information Modelling, 건물정보모델링, BIM(building Information Method), 건설정보모델링, 객체지향설계, 알고리즘기반, building information modeling(BIM) library

  • 기계학습


    machine learning, 머신러닝, 기계 학습, 머신 러닝, Machine Learning Algorithm

  • 플라이애시


    플라이 애쉬, Fly ash, Fly-Ash, 비산재, 플라이 애시

  • 공공임대주택


    Public Rental Housing, Public Rental Housings, Public Housing, 공공주택, 영구임대주택단지, 영구임대, public apartment, 공임대주택, 공공주거, Social Rental Housing, Public Rental Shousing, 공공임대아파트, Public Rental-housing, 공공 주택, Public Rental Apartments, Public Rental Apartment Housing, Public Housings, 공공임대주택(행복주택), Public rent housing

  • 고로슬래그 미분말


    GGBFS, Ground ganulated blast-furnace slag, Furnace Slag Powder, Ground Granulated Blast-furnace Slag, ground granulated blast-furnace slag(GGBS), granulated ground blast furnace slag, ground granulated blast-furnace slag(GGBFS), 고로슬래그미분말, Blast furnace slag, 고로슬래그, Ground granulated blast furnace slag, 고로 슬래그, 고래슬래그미분말, Blast-Furnace Slag, Brast Furnace Slag, Granulated blast-furnace slag, Blast Furnace-Slag, Blast-furnaces slag, BFS, GGBS, granulated slag, furnace slag, 고로슬래그미분말(GGBFS), Groud granulated blast-furnace slag(GGBS), 유고로슬래그, granulated blast furnace slag, ground solidification materials, 지반고 화재, blast furnance slag cement, ground granulated blast-furnace slag (GGBFS)

  • 휨강도


    Flexural strength, Bending strength, 휨 내력, M.O.R, flexure strength, Leaching of nickel ion, 휨 강도, 휨저항강도, light emotion friendly concrete, 힘 강도, 굴곡강도